Project Prosperity for Mothers

Unlocking Brighter Futures for Young Mothers

Since 2021, Project Prosperity for Mothers has been dedicated to supporting Kichwa-Puruha and mestizo young mothers in Ecuador’s Chimborazo province. Through our work, we’ve gained a deeper understanding of the complex systemic barriers that expose them to violence, partner abuse, and hinder their access to uninterrupted education and healthcare. These obstacles undermine the opportunities they need for a healthy and empowered early motherhood and further community wellbeing. Our project addresses these challenges, providing tailored support to help them navigate the cycles of disadvantage and thrive.

Project Prosperity for Mothers is a comprehensive program designed to empower resilient young mothers in community and urban settings.

Our approach weaves:

  • A supportive curriculum
  • Safe physical space
  • Legal, psychological, and educational support
  • Business planning mentorship

Tailored Support

Learning about our participants’ unique needs have lead us to develop workshops that include childcare options and grant young women with the tools that could support a future career. We also provide access to healthcare services through partnerships with Project Nido and Fibuspam hospital that include pediatric care.  

Expanding Our Focus: PACH's New Mental Health Initiative

PACH is broadening its mission to include mental health support for Ecuadorian communities. Responding to local needs, we're developing culturally-sensitive mental health programs in collaboration with local leaders and healthcare professionals. This initiative reflects our commitment to holistic well-being and building resilient communities. By integrating mental health into our services, we're taking a crucial step towards comprehensive healthcare for all.

Stay tuned for updates as we work to implement this vital new focus, reinforcing our dedication to the complete health of the people we serve.

Program Results

According to interviews with participants and the program staff 100% of program participants expressed satisfaction with the program’s structure and the support provided. All participants gained the taught skills and excelled using the tools provided. Program staff observed improvements in many participants’ demeanors and communication skills.