Dental Health

Creating Healthy Smiles

Children in Latin America experience twice the number of dental cavities as those in the United States, with up to 88% of indigenous children in Ecuador suffering from advanced tooth decay. Ecuador ranks third in pediatric tooth decay rates across Latin America. Untreated cavities and infections can lead to significant issues, including mouth pain, sleep and eating disorders, and poor concentration in school, which in turn contribute to malnutrition, digestive problems, and lower academic performance. Supported by PACH and volunteers, FIBUSPAM’s dental clinic in Chimborazo Province, Ecuador, provides affordable dental care, offering bi-annual checkups and treatment for existing conditions. By addressing oral health, FIBUSPAM helps children avoid chronic infections, leading to better nutrition, less pain, and improved focus on their educational and career aspirations.

88% of indigenous children in Ecuador suffer from tooth decay

What It's Like to Collaborate

Learn about a partnership between PACH and Healing the Children Northeast (HCNE) which resulted in a dental caravan in October 2022 that provided dental care to hundreds of children in the Chimborazo Province of Ecuador.