What We Support - Clinica Fundacion Buen Samaritano Paul Martel

About Our Partner

We support the Ecuador-based charitable organization, Clinica Fundacion Buen Samaritano Paul Martel (FIBUSPAM). PACH provides equipment, training, and volunteer support to empower FIBUSPAM to offer affordable health care and surgical services to the poorest of the poor in Chimborazo Province. The majority of the people served are Puruhā, a pre-Incan indigenous group native to the Andean region of Ecuador. Nearly 70% of this community lives in extreme poverty, and 28% of children suffer from malnutrition. Most community members treated by FIBUSPAM have little to no access to medical care and public health services due to racial discrimination and socio-economic factors. Within this community, curable diseases and correctable injuries are often left untreated, leading to further medical complications and despair. Currently, FIBUSPAM performs an average of 20 cataract surgeries a week, preventing otherwise certain blindness. FIBUSPAM also provides cervical cancer screening, essential surgical services, and dental care that ensure the health and well-being of thousands of Ecuadorians in need.

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