Like all other countries around the globe, Covid-19 wreaked havoc in Ecuador in 2020 and 2021.

We are happy to report that vaccines are now readily available, and the Covid-19 case load is decreasing as the rate of vaccinations increases.  All of our staff at PACH and FIBUSPAM are fully vaccinated.

The number of cases of Covid-19 in Ecuador and the rate of Covid-19 vaccinations can be monitored at the following link

In line with these developments, we are ready to get back to work and back to leading medical missions and immersion trips to Ecuador in 2022.

PACH’s leadership team, board of directors, and local staff continue to monitor the situation and are in constant contact to evaluate and mitigate risk. Protocols are in place for safe travel and safe interactions with patients.

We thank medical professionals and frontline workers around the globe who have risked their lives to care for others. You are our heroes.